One person’s trash is another’s treasure. Truer words have never been spoken, especially when it comes to thrift stores. Old items get a new life, and you get a brand-new, unique piece of decor. It’s a win-win situation, really. Some people find spectacular items, from rare antiques to free Persian rugs. We’re taking a stroll down the aisles of the internet’s virtual thrift store to show you the best deals, most amazing antiques, and serendipitous dumpster dives we could find.
#1: Free Ninety-Nine
Have you ever tried to redecorate your home only to find out just how expensive large rugs are? The price tag on some area rugs is truly shocking. That’s what makes this thrifty find so incredible. Our storyteller was driving through her neighborhood when she spotted a rug rolled up at the end of someone’s driveway. She pulled over to check it out and quickly realized the homeowner was coming out to talk to her.
Thankfully, she wasn’t in trouble. The man asked if she wanted to take the rug home for free. He had used the rug as a wall tapestry and didn’t need it anymore because he was redecorating. Our storyteller was flabbergasted by this man’s generosity. A gorgeous rug like this would cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars at the store! She graciously accepted his offer. It looks like the rug was a perfect fit for her home!