Ah, to be young. The world is your oyster! You know everything! Your parents don’t understand! Who remembers this feeling? As we age, it’s easy to look back and think, “I wish I had known….” Knowing specific life lessons earlier on in life would have saved us from lots of embarrassment, heartbreak, or regret. The thing is, a lot of life lessons have to be learned first-hand, which makes the whole thing even more difficult. We’ve compiled some of the best life advice from people who have learned from first-hand experience.
#1: Family Isn’t Always First
When it comes to unconditional love, people always seem to think that family members are the first people to deserve such a thing. But what happens if certain family members do not make you feel loved? What happens then?

Just because you are related to someone doesn’t automatically mean you have to give them special attention or unconditional love. Sure, that might be the assumption in society, but an assumption isn’t enough for many people who struggle with their family members.