Life moves pretty fast. Before you know it, your precious childhood and teenage memories are decades in the past. People took to the Internet to share things from 20, 30, or 40 years ago that seem to have disappeared off the face of the Earth. People shared everything from ancient relics of the 90s to societal behaviors that aren’t irrelevant. Here are our favorite nostalgic memories and objects we never imagined would disappear all those years ago.
#1: Memorizing Phone Numbers
People often say that social media and smartphones shorten our memories and attention spans. They might be right. Back in the day, we memorized our friends’ phone numbers like it was no big deal. Nowadays, most of us barely know our own phone numbers by heart. Just think about it. How many modern-day phone numbers do you have memorized?

We all rely on our smartphones now. The funny thing is, many of us still remember the landline phone number of our childhood best friend. But the phone number of our college best friend? Not a chance. For better or worse, our smartphones have replaced our need to memorize things.