#37: Those Kinds of Websites
I never understood the joke about ‘those kinds of websites’ until I went back and watched it as an adult. Now I know why my parents thought it was so funny! The best part of this joke is Mr. Crook’s red dress, which is hilarious. I wonder if a modern version of Fairly OddParents would be cool; if you could have fairy oddparents for one day, what would you ask them?

Did you know that Mr. Crocker’s inspiration drew from Eugene Levy’s role in the 1984 movie Splash? I totally see the resemblance. But he’s not the only celebrity to have blessed the show; there are many celebrities’ cameos throughout the seasons! Gilbert Gottfried plays the maniacal Dr. Bender and his son. Chris Kirkpatrick of N’Sync plays the heartthrob Chip Skylark – and the list goes on!