#7: Photographer Charles C. Ebbets Positioned on an NYC Skyscraper, 1932
This image shows the iconic “Lunch Atop a Skyscraper” photo from another perspective. Charles C. Ebbets, the renowned photographer credited with capturing the iconic photograph in 1932, immortalized a remarkable moment in the history of New York City’s construction industry. The photograph depicts eleven construction workers casually perched on a steel beam during their lunch break, high above the bustling city streets.

As the photo above shows, Ebbets fearlessly positioned himself on an adjacent beam, capturing this vertigo-inducing scene from a dizzying height. This image shows what photographers will go through to get that perfect shot! Ebbets’ keen eye and timing captured the essence of these laborers’ daily realities, showcasing their courage and humanity in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.