Brad Pitt Inspired Me to Continue
”Met Brad Pitt back in the days of Jennifer Aniston. I was just a 17 year old teen waiting for my girlfriend to get off of work at LaSenza (female underwear shop), When Jen Aniston walks by me and right into the shop. I double take and smile, when I return to looking street side, Brad was standing directly beside me. He had a nice pair of jeans and glasses, but overall very casual.”

”I smiled and broke the silence with, ” I hate to be cliche about this, but I really am a huge fan of your acting career”… Long story short, we continued to talk about movies and acting (I am now an actor) as we both had a high knowledge of past films, we shared names and shook hands… Then Jen came busting out, and he said “don’t ever let up and you’ll get there”, and then turned and walked away… Never forgot those words.”