Reese Whiterspon Pet My Dog
”Working as a background extra on set of the shitty rom-com “How Do You Know”, I had my dog (Don), with me, as I was playing a dog walker. Owen Wilson, bless his heart, was very into his lines, repeating them over and over to himself. This was only weird for me because I was standing with him, Reese, and Reese’s makeup lady. I don’t know if you’ve ever been an extra, but the bottom line is, you’re treated like cattle. Actors will rarely if ever talk to you.”

”Reese came up to pet my dog, asked his name, and we talked for the whole night shoot. Her makeup lady consistently told her not to pet the dog, which made her pet the Don more, rub her face in his face, etc…She was so damn sweet to me. Asked me about myself, treated me like I was a fellow actor, and it pretty much made my life.”