Alec Baldwin Saved My Life
“Alec Baldwin attempted to rescue me and my friends about 15 years ago. I grew up near Wilmington, NC, and my friends and I were out fishing in a small boat. Our lines get tangled up in the motor, we can’t steer the boat, and it ends up washed up on the beach on an island. Waves are constantly crashing over it, filling it with water way faster than we can bail.
”We send one friend to the Intracoastal waterway side of the island to get help. He comes back with some random guy and Alec Baldwin. Alec stayed there and helped us for a good 15 minutes when he easily could have just left these 4 dumb kids who weren’t in any real danger—super nice guy. Eventually, even with their help, we couldn’t free the boat, so they took my friend onto their boat to their house, where my friend called for help. Thanks, Alec!”