#23: That Would Be Cool
We’ve seen many people respond to posts advertising free stuff by demanding that people throw in something extra to make it worth their while. And we’ve seen many of these people get very angry, very quickly, until they are shouting, threatening, and muttering so many profanities that we just have to blur out practically the entire box.

This guy took another approach: he decided to be a fun, easygoing, “let’s be pals” sort of choosy beggar. Two parts of his messages kill me: first, the “if you know what I mean,” where he doesn’t want to be so crass as to come out and demand more stuff, so instead, he tries to hint that it should occur to you on your own. Then there’s the “that would be cool.” See, he’s just being a fun, relaxed, easygoing guy. He never actually made demands, just suggestions! (That was sarcasm, if you couldn’t tell.)