#23: Snickers
Snickers candy bars have been a popular snack since their introduction in the 1930s, and over the years, the brand has created a variety of memorable ad campaigns. One of the most iconic campaigns is the “Snickers satisfies” campaign from the 1990s. One commercial featured a woman watching her husband run a marathon. As he crosses the finish line, she runs up to him and says, “When he runs on empty, Snickers satisfies him. And me.”

The commercial was a humorous take on the idea that Snickers bars provide the energy and satisfaction needed to power through physical activity. It was also a nod to the idea that Snickers bars are a great snack for anyone who needs a quick pick-me-up. This ad campaign has become a beloved part of Snickers’ history and is just one example of the clever and memorable marketing that has helped to make Snickers a favorite among candy lovers.