Spring means high season for white shoes, both sneakers, and fabric shoes. It is a wonderfully springy feeling to stroll around with a pair of shiny white dojo on the feet. But white shoes have the above not to remain white for very long.
At the same time, you may also not want to wash the shoes in the washing machine so that they do not wear out prematurely. No danger! We have collected our best tips and tricks for getting white shoes white again – even without washing in the washing machine.
Can the shoes be washed in the washing machine?
It is a bit different from material to material if your shoes can handle a machine wash or not. Most sneakers with leather details are easily destroyed in the washing machine, while fabric shoes like Converse can do well.
But generally speaking, the washing machine is pretty hard-handed to your shoes; they easily lose shape and the glue in the soles can slowly dissolve after several washes. Therefore, we have gathered some alternative methods to get rid of the stains and get the shoes shiny white again.
Protect the shoes with impregnation
The most important thing is that you try to prevent stains by always impregnating the shoes the first thing you do after buying them. The impregnation spray is your best friend to shut out salt, moisture, and dirt so that they will not stain the material.
When the accident has occurred
But despite impregnation, it is easy for the shoes to get stained anyway (the white shoes are extra wrinkly). If you have got mud and soil on white shoes, it is good to let it dry first. Then you can often brush off the clay and get a less visible stain than if you start rubbing damp clay into the textile fibers directly.
You can then try to remove the stains where the dirt has been sitting by one of the methods below.
Baking powder is stronger than you think
A housewife’s trick is to mix baking powder with some liquid detergent, two or detergent and apply directly to the stained areas. Scrub the stain with a brush and use a toothbrush for folds and seams that are difficult to access.
Then rinse with water and allow the shoes to air dry.
Keep suede shoes as dry as possible
However, shoes with suede details are a little extra sensitive to water. Instead of trying to wash away the stains, you can gently “sand” away a stain with sandpaper or a special “suede cleaner cloth”. Remember to impregnate properly afterward to protect the sanded area.
You can also freshen up a pair of suede shoes by giving them a steam bath. Hold the shoes over a pan of boiling water and gently brush the suede, always in the same direction, to roughen up the material. Let them air dry and do not forget about the impregnation afterward.
Try toothpaste for fabric shoes
Another trick that works well on white fabric shoes is to wash the shoes with the help of toothpaste. Use a white toothpaste (a creamy variant, not gel) and brush the toothpaste directly on the stains using a toothbrush.
Let the toothpaste sit for a minute and then wash it off again with a damp cloth. For the best results, you may need to repeat the treatment a few times.
Give the laces a make-over
Greyish shoelaces can pull down the overall impression of the shoes significantly. Therefore, give the shoelaces some extra love and wash them separately, preferably in a laundry bag so that they do not disappear in the washing machine.
If you want to whiten them a little, you can soak them in lemon juice and then leave them in the sun. It also works to dip them in a chlorine-containing detergent, but it is not directly the most environmentally friendly option.
Erase, erase, erase, erase your sour mine…
It may sound strange, but according to several sources, eraser works just fine for removing stains on the rubber soles. However, be sure to use an uncolored eraser so that the eraser’s own color does not leave traces on the rubber sole.
Pale fabric with lemon
Using lemon as bleach is a trick that has been around for a long time, but it doesn’t make it any less effective for it. Mix water and lemon juice in a spray bottle and spray evenly on the shoes. Then put them in the sun as the light will help bleach the fabric.
For particularly tough stains, you can also try a home-made detergent and bleach made on lemon juice and bicarbonate. Mix the ingredients into a batter and apply directly to the stain. Let it work and then rinse. You may want to use a brush to really rub the bicarbonate gauge into the textile fibers.
White nail polish on small stains and scratches
To hide any flaws such as dots and scratches you can use white nail polish. However, the nail polish makes the material stiff and no longer breathable, so avoid painting the entire shoes. But for small, annoying scratch marks and the like, it works just fine with a little camouflage paint.
Freeze bad odor
The shoes that are often used not only get dirty, they also have a tendency to start to smell like old cheese. One tip for removing bad odors in your shoes is to put them in the freezer for 24 hours. You can also display them outdoors so that the fresh air can do the trick.
Wash sneakers in the dishwasher.
If nothing helps, you may still feel the need to wash your shoes. But this does not have to happen in the washing machine. You may as well wash them in the dishwasher. The advantage of this is that a dishwasher does not tumble around (I can only imagine what the porcelain would look like afterward), which reduces the wear and tear and the fit of the shoes is not destroyed. However, avoid washing other dishes at the same time.
Place the shoes as high up in the dishwasher as possible. Add detergent and use a regular dishwasher. When the machine is ready, the shoes should air dry, preferably stuffed with newspaper to protect the fit.