1. Do not paint too thick
Paint more thin layers than one thick. The nail poilsh will stay much better if you work with thin layers.
2. Wait for it to dry
Allow the lacquer to dry before applying the next coat. If you have no patience, you can use a drying machine such as a hairdryer.
3. Dispose of old nail polish
Nail polish that has dried and becomes tough makes the job much more difficult. My advice is to throw them away, it’s not worth it. But if you don’t really want to give up hope, you can drop some nail polish remover and shake the bottle to get it more fluid.
4. Do not shake the bottle before painting
Instead, roll the bottle between your hands to warm it. If you shake, there is a risk of air bubbles forming in the paint.
5. Refresh the topcoat
The top coat helps to protect the paint underneath. If you hit something with the nail, the topcoat comes in first, so it may be good to refresh the topcoat every or every other day to shade the color from peeling and giving the nails more shine.
6. Paint in 3 strokes
Start by drawing the brush in the middle of the nail, then paint the right and left sides. Paint a few millimeters from the cuticle, the varnish should not go all the way out to the cuticle!
7. Protect your nails
Wear gloves when washing or doing other things that put the paint under stress. Using nail oil and hand cream also protects hands and nails.
8. Glitter lacquer can be really cumbersome
Glitter lacquer is very nice but oh so cumbersome to get off. One tip is to use a peel-off base underneath that allows you to pull off the varnish, and everything glitters in one.
9. In a hurry?
Put your nails under cold water, which will make the varnish dry faster.
10. Acetone or nail polish remover
A real nail polish remover without acetone is best when acetone dries out the nail. Apply on a cotton pad and leave it on the nail for a while to dissolve the varnish. Then apply the pad in the same direction as the nail grows.